The Shouldice hernia repair technique was developed in 1950 by Dr. Earle Shouldice, a Canadian surgeon who revolutionized the repair of hernias. Dr. David Grischkan, The Hernia Center of Ohio’s medical director, was trained in the Shouldice technique during his surgical training in Canada.
Using improvements in the original shouldice technique, Dr. Grischkan’s modified Shouldice hernia repair technique utilizes two important technological advancements.
Lasers are used during the shouldice technique for a more precise dissection and to minimize pain. Additionally, a mesh screen is bonded to the repaired fascia.
Unlike the original Shouldice repair, no wire is used to close the tear in the fascia. Instead, a nylon suture with excellent elastic properties is incorporated in a continuous stitch technique along with small titanium staples that are used to anchor the mesh to the fascia. This has many advantages over the stiff wire in terms of post operative comfort.
The modified Shouldice hernia repair takes less than 20 minutes and patients can be discharged within one to two hours following the shouldice surgery. Most patients return to full activities and employment within two to three days following the repair.
For an example of our modified shouldice hernia repair technique, see our Surgical Tour.