Evelyn Hancock

I am so grateful that Dr. Melvin Dinner referred me to you and that I was able to benefit from your remarkable hernia repair expertise. Since our first meeting, I have been impressed with your reassuring manner and the confidence you inspire.

In performing my challenging three-hour incisional repair hernia surgery, you were able to overcome tremendous obstacles created by two previous failed hernia repairs by another physician and several other surgeries.

Although my recovery was quite painful at the beginning, your encouraging words, “I think you’ll be quite pleased”, gave me the incentive to do the walking and other exercises so necessary in relieving the stiffness and soreness I experienced. It seems so good to have my abdominal area feeling more secure and supported.

You have had a powerful impact on my life Dr. Grischkan. My future looks a lot brighter now, and I say a daily prayer of gratitude that you, with your God given talent, came into my life to perform a real miracle.

Evelyn Hancock